After that, we have a shut down project at P/E Taman Kenanga No.2 and No.3 for preventive works.
Preventive Procedure
1. The monthly shutdown schedule was prepared and submit to RCC ( regional control center ) two month before.
2. Submit the actual shutdown schedule to RCC a month before.
3. After getting an approval from RCC, they will key in the data in online shutdown management system to print out the notices for consumer.
4. Sent the notice to consumer to let them know there will be no electricity supply during this time.
5.The authorized person (AP) will request a permission from controller for the shutdown process.
6.RCC will issue authorization to AP.
7. For safety , AP will issue a SKMK ( Sijil Kebenaran Melakukan Kerja ) or PTW ( Permit To Work ) to CP.
8. Started the preventive works.
9. CP ( competence person) will canceled the PTW and submitted to AP.
10. AP will canceled the Autorization that given by RCC.
11.Start switching again
12. After everything was back to normal ( electric supply was back again ) informed RCC.
first step to do before clean and check the RMU / switchgear, earth the cable. this is for safety purposes.
if the white color change to red, that means the Tx ( transformer) was not in good condition because have air inside the Tx.
the red things inside the OLU is bushing. three phase, red yellow blue.
there a a few types of switchgear:
1. Long and Crowford (oil)
3.Tamco (oil)
4.Rellroll (oil)
6.Merlin Gerin
9.Falcon Beta
Tx birth certificate :)
DYN 11 means Delta Star Neutral. 11 means Voltage more than current. ( current lagging ).
tap changer (load)
Two types : 1. offload tap changer ( have to turn off the supply before change it manualy ) 2. Onload tap changer ( automatically changed. this is for Power transformer)
There are 2 types of Tx: 1.Hermetical seal transformer ( from the pic left) 2. Conservative tank transformer
current transformer
this is for load record. when there is load, the black needle will push up the red needle. when there is no load, the black one (current load) will back to its original position but the red one( maximum load) will stay at its place.
Right angle bushing ( for HFU )
Inline bushing ( for OLU )
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